David Kherdian
Apr 30, 2021

I’m sick and tired of the millions

of Americans who prefer to hate,

choosing to crush the Blacks,

claiming that they are lower,

who in fact are the superior race present

in this country right now.

I could not have endured here this

long if it wasn’t for the majesty

and example of Muhammed Ali,

our greatest American, whether standing,

as he was then, but also especially when fallen,

in the way so many great Americans

have been felled, as often before, from the hands

of the sick, injured, and truly defeated,

who uphold themselves again in their sickness,

enabled, and supposedly ennobled

by the corrupt and demented power possessors.

But their victims are rising up,

to proudly exalt themselves,

and from their gained power and inherent

goodness, and with whatever support thy can muster,

they are lifting themselves up,

their greatness not to be overcome.



David Kherdian

David Kherdian is an Armenian-American poet and novelist. He is known best for THE ROAD FROM HOME, based on his mother's survival of the Armenian Genocide.