I Wonder

David Kherdian
Oct 11, 2021

I wonder now over the path

I made from out our back door,

stepping always down

from our closed space onto

our neighbor’s dirt pounded yard

that led onto the next

naked yard, also free of obstacles,

to slowly take me into a world

as naked and open, as I was then,

a wanderer stepping casually

onto life’s open orbit,

where I would slowly come to stake my claim

gradually, until I had assembled all the parts

that adhered to my growing spirit,

once invisible to me,

when I knew only my body,

its language slowly understood

while my spirit, withheld, remained

as mysterious as the sun,

during all my golden days

and clouded nights, while I rose from

that platter, that earth,

that was only the beginning

of the life of the spirit

that I alone had the right to command.



David Kherdian

David Kherdian is an Armenian-American poet and novelist. He is known best for THE ROAD FROM HOME, based on his mother's survival of the Armenian Genocide.